Re: Idle No More movement and Omnibus Bill, Bill C-45
Dear Editor,
Reclaim Our Democratic Canada (RODC)
is a multi-partisan group of Canadians, who have become increasingly concerned
about the future of Canada.
RODC is writing to express support of the Idle No More movement,
initiated by First Nation populations across Canada. The Idle No More movement
emerged in late 2012 as an effort to educate First Nations people and other Canadians on the
multitude of legislation being put forward by the government that will impact First
Nation people and the Canadian environment.
Like RODC, Idle No More is concerned about the
effects of the most recent federal Omnibus Bill, Bill C-45. First Nations
groups express legitimate concerns regarding C-45, through which broad
legislative changes were made without consultation with First Nations
people. RODC too is
deeply concerned about this Bill’s capacity for initiating imminent changes affecting First Nation communities and
environmental policies. Most
importantly, we are concerned about the non-transparent way in which these
changes are being made.
note some of the controversial measures included in Bill C-45 that will have
significant impacts on Canadian communities:
- Under Bill C-45, the federal government will see dramatically fewer environmental assessments (only those focused on major projects)
- Instead, provinces will handle assessments if they are able
- Pipelines will be exempt from the navigable waters act
- Only fish of commercial importance will be protected under the Fisheries Act1
- Increased power will be given to the federal
department responsible for Aboriginal Affairs regarding First Nations
- Oil and nuclear companies will have easier access
to natural resources2.
believe the above measures warrant comprehensive discussion and consultation
with the Canadian public.
In Canada, the purpose of government is to reflect
the opinions and interests of the public, in addition to reflecting the
governing body’s long-term fiscal and policy agenda. Yet the employment of omnibus bills such as
C-45 strategically limits the public’s access to information on measures
included in the Bill. The sheer volume
of such a Bill alone serves to confuse and divert most constituents from its
All of the above concerns serve to limit
information, reduce government transparency and subvert democratic processes in
Canada. For these reasons, we support
the Idle No More movement, which aims to educate First Nations and other Canadians on legislation
being put forward by our government.
RODC urges you to consider the integrity of Canada’s system
of democracy, which we have always held up as a model to the world.
1 Scoffield, H. “Omnibus bill only
the latest move in profound changes for environment, natives”. MacLean’s.
On Line at
October 21, 2012
2 McAdam, Sylvia.“First Nations will rally against Bill C45”.
The First Perspective. Online:
November 19, 2012